What is an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)?

It’s no secret that ADUs are gaining popularity among homeowners nationwide – but what exactly are they?

Simply put, Accessory Dwelling Units, or ADUs, are living spaces that are secondary living located on the same property of, or connected to a primary residence. They can be built in a variety of ways, including converting a garage into a livable space, or as a separate, attached or detached addition.

By adding an ADU to a property, homeowners can increase the value of their home in a multitude of ways, and not just monetarily: ADUs can be an excellent solution for multi-generational living. More and more, families are looking for ways to accommodate their children or their aging parents. ADUs can provide a separate living space for family members, allowing them to be close to their loved ones while still giving them the autonomy that they desire. 

Families with teenagers might find ADUs especially intriguing. Teenagers will want more privacy and independence, and an ADU can provide them with their own space to hang out with friends or study. Mom and Dad are still able to keep any eye on them, and the kids will be glad for their newfound freedom.

ADUs can also be a more sustainable housing option. There is no additional power or other utility connections needed because all of the required infrastructure is there when you begin building. They use less electricity and water due to their smaller size, which means that your carbon footprint will be just as small.

Overall, a flexible and affordable housing option that caters to a variety of needs is exactly what you’ll get with your ADU. Architect and Pretty Smart principal Daniella Carter and her team have a combined ten years of hands-on experience with ADUs. Contact us today for an ADU design consultation or quote!